
February 14-15, 2025
Mesa, AZ

Workshop: Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class

5 Feb 2022 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Pivoting, tunneling, and redirection are essential skills that separate the junior and senior operators in the offensive security landscape. This workshop describes various techniques used to creatively route traffic through multiple network segments. Various tools and techniques will be discussed and demonstrated. Attendees will be able to practice these skills in a provided cyber range during and after the workshop. These are essential skills for every pentester, bug bounty hunter, and red team operator. But that's not all! Defenders will learn techniques for detecting this sort of suspicious traffic.

Barrett Darnell
Security Researcher and Experiential Learning Lead with Threat Simulations

Barrett Darnell is a Security Researcher and Experiential Learning Lead with Threat Simulations, and a Certified Instructor for SANS. Previously he was a Managing Senior Operator at Bishop Fox, a security firm providing professional and managed services to the Fortune 1000, global financial institutions, and high-tech startups. Prior to Bishop Fox, he served as an exploitation operator in the US Department of Defense's most elite computer network exploitation (CNE) unit. As a top-rated military officer, Barrett led an offensive operations team in the US Air Force's premier selectively-manned cyber attack squadron.

Barrett holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Washington State University and a M.S. in Software Engineering from the University of West Florida. In addition Barrett also holds various industry certifications including the CISSP, GXPN, GPEN, GREM, GWAPT, GCED, GCIH, GCIA, GCTI, GMON, GAWN, and GSEC.