Neil Wyler
Cryptography Fundamentals
Chris Schiffhauer
Deconstructing The Cyber Kill Chain of Angler Campaign
Artsiom Holub
Developing and Testing an Effective Incident Response Program
Andy Jordan
Diving into 2-factor authentication – a hacker's quick start guide to using the YubiKey
Easy Mobile Hacking
Aaron Guzman (@scriptingxss)
Fight Fire with Fire: Using Offensive Techniques to Dominate Defense
Danny Quist
Get Hired! (A hiring manager's perspective)
Glen Walker
Hacking for Fun and Profit - Legally
Heather Wilde
Ham Radio - There is more to it than EMCOMM
Tim "NullOverflow" Li
Hipster Frameworks and 0ld 5k00l 3xpl01t5
Seth Law (@sethlaw)
How I Exfiltrate Data From Your Secure Network: Hiding Data in Plain Sight
Joe Gervais (TryCatchHCF)
Httpillage: Calling all Nodes
John Poulin
Hunting Malware with Timelines
Mari DeGrazia
Jams, Cans and Qubes
Kyle Rankin
JoeCrypter, Anti-automated Analysis Crypter
Joe Giron
Leveraging Game Theory and Machine Learning for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence
Paulo Shakarian
Machining, A Love Story
PDNS for Pentesters
James Pleger
Real Hacking
Sam Bowne
Reversing and Exploiting Embedded Devices (Walking the software and hardware stack)
Elvis Collado (b1ack0wl)
S.E.R.E. School for Threat Intelligence — Part 1. URL Scanners
Neil Smith
Telling Lies & Making Friends: Penetrating Peoples' Emotional Barriers
Candis Orr and Drew Redshift Porter
The Golden Ticket Attack - A Look Under the Hood
Gerard Laygui
The HeartBrainLungs Theory: Integrating Data Products to InfoSec Programs
Andre Gironda
Tracing “cR3d$”: Tracking the DeepWeb and OSINT gathering
Blake n01 Butler
WTF is Browser Hacking?
Christian Frichot (@xntrik)