
February 14-15, 2025
Mesa, AZ


Neil Wyler

Cryptography Fundamentals

Chris Schiffhauer

Deconstructing The Cyber Kill Chain of Angler Campaign

Artsiom Holub

Developing and Testing an Effective Incident Response Program

Andy Jordan

Diving into 2-factor authentication – a hacker's quick start guide to using the YubiKey


Easy Mobile Hacking

Aaron Guzman (@scriptingxss)

Fight Fire with Fire: Using Offensive Techniques to Dominate Defense

Danny Quist

Get Hired! (A hiring manager's perspective)

Glen Walker

Hacking for Fun and Profit - Legally

Heather Wilde

Ham Radio - There is more to it than EMCOMM

Tim "NullOverflow" Li

Hipster Frameworks and 0ld 5k00l 3xpl01t5

Seth Law (@sethlaw)

How I Exfiltrate Data From Your Secure Network: Hiding Data in Plain Sight

Joe Gervais (TryCatchHCF)

Httpillage: Calling all Nodes

John Poulin

Hunting Malware with Timelines

Mari DeGrazia

Jams, Cans and Qubes

Kyle Rankin

JoeCrypter, Anti-automated Analysis Crypter

Joe Giron

Leveraging Game Theory and Machine Learning for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence

Paulo Shakarian

Machining, A Love Story


PDNS for Pentesters

James Pleger

Real Hacking

Sam Bowne

Reversing and Exploiting Embedded Devices (Walking the software and hardware stack)

Elvis Collado (b1ack0wl)

S.E.R.E. School for Threat Intelligence — Part 1. URL Scanners

Neil Smith

Telling Lies & Making Friends: Penetrating Peoples' Emotional Barriers

Candis Orr and Drew Redshift Porter

The Golden Ticket Attack - A Look Under the Hood

Gerard Laygui

The HeartBrainLungs Theory: Integrating Data Products to InfoSec Programs

Andre Gironda

Tracing “cR3d$”: Tracking the DeepWeb and OSINT gathering

Blake n01 Butler

WTF is Browser Hacking?

Christian Frichot (@xntrik)